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Resilience Reset

Why Resilience?

Increasing personal resilience is an essential ability leaders need in a fast changing world, so they can thrive in uncertainty.

Given the challenges of leading in a post pandemic world, hybrid working and increasing pace of transformation, leaders need to reset their personal and professional resilience. This is now an essential ability to help leaders lead their teams and organisations through complex change with energy and confidence and manage their own personal challenges.

Leaders are wanting to know how to deal with events outside their own control, which may affect their lives deeply, without hunkering down, and switching off, and being able to feel they can still make choices.

What leaders will gain from working on resilience

  • Reframe your situation and learn to recharge and resource yourself
  • More clearly see the ‘system’ you are in and how you can be more resilient
  • Identify the patterns in how you typically ‘react’ to help you manage how you respond
  • Connect your thinking to physical, emotional and visceral experience
  • Embed your learning over time so it has a positive impact on both your work and your personal life

What we know works

We work at depth with leaders using coaching and group coaching so individuals have a real shift in their perspectives and practices. We use a clear framework for Resilience – 5 Rs model

The Five R's of Resilience

From our recent experience, working with leaders, we know it’s important to focus on

  • Learning from and with others
  • Understanding your own response patterns
  • Getting a wider sense of reality
  • Recognising what resources you can draw on
  • Learning how to recharge your energy and set boundaries
  • Reframe your assumptions

Read more

Our programme

In 2024, we are offering an intensive booster Resilience Reset programme:

Programme Objectives:

  • Understand what resilience really is and why it is so critical to our performance, wellbeing and happiness.
  • Develop insights into behavioural patterns when we are challenged – why sometimes our resilience is high and at other times we struggle to find it.
  • Acquire a toolkit to boost your resilience in the face of adversity, in the shortterm and grow your resilience in the longterm.
  • Increase your perspective on resilience and gain tips from others through discussions.

Course Content:

  • Defining resilience and understanding it’s significance.
  • Introduction to our unique ‘5 R’s Resilience Model’ and overview of how it works
  • Looking at the 5 R’s one by one, introducing supporting strategies and reflecting on how each can work for you.
  • Integration session – getting the most value from the model, strategies and insights you have gained.

Join us in September for an intensive booster Resilience Reset programme.

The details:

Duration: Two 3-hour sessions over 2 weeks as an online course, plus workbook to use in own time

Dates: 17th September, 2.00-5.00pm AND 25th September, 9.30am-12.30pm

In this programme we will help you explore the wider reality of what is happening in your life and work and strategies and tools for how to increase your resilience . Come prepared to listen and be supported in a confidential setting.


(includes both sessions)

Corporate rate £495 + VAT = £594

Individual / self-funding rate £395 + VAT = £474


Fiona Ellis and Lisa Saunders will facilitate the sessions, and both have deep experience of working with Resilience. Please reach out to find out more and book an informal initial conversation:



One to one coaching to support the integration of learning through exploring how resilience works for you more deeply (one to six sessions).


Previous Programmes:

NHS Resilience Reset

We have designed and run Resilience Reset as 2 x 0.5 day programmes for the NHS, with a mix of health professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physios and occupational therapists, which 100% of the participants would recommend to colleagues. Participants worked in small groups and pairs to support each other using practical tools.

To learn more, check out this short video Resilience Re-set in the NHS with Lisa Saunders, Fiona Ellis and Rubi Gubara-Sannie, formerly of Richmond Health Trust.

Feedback included:

“This programme has helped me to re-focus on my current stresses and the impact they have on me and helped me learn how to manage them in a better way.”

“Gave me research, framework, evidence to become resilient. Group exercises helped to feel part of the team and part of others who are also going through similar things.”

“I was sceptical about attending the course initially as I wasn’t sure what I would gain from it but I have taken away so much in terms of knowledge, but also practical ideas of how I can reframe and recover/recharge. I am keen to be able to start using some of the tips and guidance that I have picked up to be able to support other members of my team.”

“Given me a lot to think about how I do things, my patterns of how I take on everyone’s worries and burdens, but don’t give myself enough time.”

“It has been refreshing to be allowed the time out to focus on ourselves and how we respond to situations. I will certainly use some of the strategies eg Reframing.”